At 3:11 p.m. today, I sent over my very first offer as a licensed real estate agent. A 2-bed, 1-bath condo, with basement, in a 3-unit building was listed earlier this week. It is a “distressed” property in that the two owners have a civil case pending, with lawyers involved, to try to get them both off the title and disburse the equity. The case has been pending since last year and the condo association is trying to foreclose, too, due to unpaid dues and assessments.
I saw the condo yesterday at lunchtime (I love being able to set showings up for myself, at my convenience!). The location is amazing and only about an eight minute walk from our house. There is off-street parking. But the kitchen is incredibly tiny and outdated. There are some holes in the walls. It was kind of cluttered. And I believe these are all of the things that will scare away most buyers.
So, I low-balled the offer, but otherwise made it very attractive. Cash. As-is (no need to worry about fixing anything), subject to inspection (if there is some sort of undisclosed structural issue, we’ll be able to back out), and confirmation that the condo association will approve the unit for use as a rental. The offer will need to be approved by both sellers and their attorneys, so we’ll just have to wait and see.
This could be “the one,” or at least the one for right now.