Last Monday, I drafted and mailed a letter to the statutory agent of the LLC that owns the two sister-buildings to our 6-unit building, BD. Since we completed the exterior makeover, and we haven’t been able to close a deal on a new place to live, I decided to reach out to the owner to gauge any interest in selling. Mr. PFL has been asking about these other buildings since we closed on BD. I really didn’t expect a response (the owner’s probably been solicited from California investors already), but he called me on Monday evening. We didn’t talk numbers yet, but he indicated that he’d be willing to carry the mortgage and would only need 10% down. We agreed that I’d have the opportunity to view the interiors before moving forward. He said he’d contact his property manager to get it set up. I hadn’t heard from anyone, so I followed up with him today. The property manager called almost immediately and provided me with the cell phone number of the guy who could show it to me. I called the number, which went straight to voicemail, and left a message. I tried calling back a couple hours later, and again it went straight to voicemail, so I sent a text. If I don’t hear from him, I’ll try again tomorrow. Hopefully we can get in there this weekend and can decide whether or not to move forward.

Oh, how I’m tired of flight delays. Nearly every single time I have an issue. I really haven’t flown that much this year (for me, anyway). It has been pretty uneventful. I was stressed out getting through security at the end of September; I made it to the plane with nine minutes to spare before the door was scheduled to close.

I’m currently on my way home from a solo-trip to Minnesota to meet our newest nephew. I was delayed a few minutes on the way here, after the plane had already pushed back from the gate, due to the captain “working on a little problem up [t]here.” Really? Because we had technically “taken off” after pushing back from the gate, we didn’t show up as late, so my sister and nieces circled the airport a couple of times before I made it out.

Today, it is the weather. Snow in Denver and rain everywhere else. While I love the convenience of air travel, being delayed gets old. I just want to get home.

The 6-unit, BD, looks a bit different since the makeover started. So far, the exterior has been painted and the new roof has been installed.

Amazingly, the roof was finished for $950 below the quote. As I thought, the roof was only one layer; the quote included the price for two layers, so we are credited the difference. The quote also included the price to replace rotted boards which we estimated based on the leak from earlier this summer. After review, they determined that there weren’t any rotten boards (which is incredible) and we were credited the difference.

The rest of the shutters should be going on today and the new gutters are scheduled for Tuesday. Upon completion, this building will look as good on the outside as it does on the inside.