I’d like to wish Mr. PFL a very happy birthday! I hope and wish that it is the last one he has to suffer through with a full-time job. As we continue discussing and planning, I feel more and more confident that, by this time next year, we will be ready to remove the golden handcuffs and live a good life without the need for full-time employment. We’ve both begun to realize that the longer we work, the more money we will have saved, and then, technically, the more we would be able to do in the future (really ground-breaking stuff, I know). But, we also wonder: when is enough, enough? We should have monthly income that covers our expenses; we can always try to get jobs if we need them; we could start a new business; and, we have over $1 million dollars! Why torture ourselves more? Why?
Mr. PFL and I don’t really do formal gift-giving for our birthdays or Christmas anymore; I looked up duplexes that we could buy for cash with the plan to downsize out of our current house. If the weather holds up, there is one I’m planning to look at. I hope Mr. PFL likes my gift of working towards freedom from employment. 😉