I’m at it again. We had a fairly successful holiday celebration with Mr. PFL’s family on Saturday. Mr. PFL and I celebrated yesterday. We were such urban dwellers: we took the bus up to an art exhibit and bar-crawled our way home. It was a lot of fun and we went to a couple of new places.
Now, I’m on my way to Minnesota, for the fifth time this year (I think this might be a record). I’m flying through Chicago, again, and they are expecting snow today. Any flights after noon can be changed, free of charge, so my confidence isn’t high that I’ll actually make it all the way to Minnesota. I hope I do, though, because I’ve already declared that next year at this time Mr. PFL and I are going on vacation. I enjoy smaller family get-togethers more than the “forced family fun” that the holidays bring. I also just don’t need the stress that extended-family dysfunction brings into our lives.
I just got the best Christmas present that the airport could ever give me: only 45 people on the flight today! On a plane that fits 175. I’m getting a whole row and taking a nap. Hooray!