Items that should be accomplished, no later than March 1, 2016, but prior to living PayCheck-Free. This list is specific to our situation. It will be updated/revised as needed.
A) Law Firm:
- Take continuing ed class regarding selling/closing law firm
- Secure payment on as many outstanding invoices as possible
- Confirm all continuing ed and licensing is up to date
- Discuss malpractice insurance options
- Decide on storage of old files
- Sell/donate office furniture
- Cancel month-to-month lease
- Withdraw from any active cases
- Change website/terminate acceptance of credit card payments
B) Real Estate LLC:
- Determine whether or not to use a property management company
- Hire a local statutory agent (online)
- Update all contact information
- Confirm all service providers (lawn, maintenance, etc.) are in place
- Complete any necessary repairs or replacements
C) Travel Agency:
- Hire a local statutory agent (online)
- Update contact information
Current Home:
- Fix necessary maintenance issues
- Declutter and downsize
- List and sell
- Mrs. PFL’s car: sell or store
- Mr. PFL’s car: sell
- Mr. PFL’s motorcycle: sell or store
- Cancel or modify insurance
- Possibly buy a vehicle in new destination
- Take advantage of health insurance: doctors, dentists
- Complete estate planning documents
- Discuss a Power of Attorney or other local agent
- Where will we get mail?
- Discuss plans with family and friends
New Place to Live:
- Decide where to live
- Decide when to move
- Secure new housing
- Move-in
- Vet visit with Hawaii’s rabies protocol
- Determine his long-term living arrangement