PFL Checklist

Items that should be accomplished, no later than March 1, 2016, but prior to living PayCheck-Free. This list is specific to our situation. It will be updated/revised as needed.


A) Law Firm:

  1. Take continuing ed class regarding selling/closing law firm
  2. Secure payment on as many outstanding invoices as possible
  3. Confirm all continuing ed and licensing is up to date
  4. Discuss malpractice insurance options
  5. Decide on storage of old files
  6. Sell/donate office furniture
  7. Cancel month-to-month lease
  8. Withdraw from any active cases
  9. Change website/terminate acceptance of credit card payments

B) Real Estate LLC:

  1. Determine whether or not to use a property management company
  2. Hire a local statutory agent (online)
  3. Update all contact information
  4. Confirm all service providers (lawn, maintenance, etc.) are in place
  5. Complete any necessary repairs or replacements

C) Travel Agency:

  1. Hire a local statutory agent (online)
  2. Update contact information

Current Home:

  1. Fix necessary maintenance issues
  2. Declutter and downsize
  3. List and sell


  1. Mrs. PFL’s car: sell or store
  2. Mr. PFL’s car: sell
  3. Mr. PFL’s motorcycle: sell or store
  4. Cancel or modify insurance
  5. Possibly buy a vehicle in new destination


  1. Take advantage of health insurance: doctors, dentists
  2. Complete estate planning documents
  3. Discuss a Power of Attorney or other local agent
  4. Where will we get mail?
  5. Discuss plans with family and friends

New Place to Live:

  1. Decide where to live
  2. Decide when to move
  3. Secure new housing
  4. Move-in


  1. Vet visit with Hawaii’s rabies protocol
  2. Determine his long-term living arrangement



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