Last night, we went to a 40th surprise party with a bunch of Mr. PFL’s friends. Some of these guys he’s known since second grade. As we were catching up with some folks, Mr. PFL talked about how he is planning to be done working by March 1, 2016 and how much he dislikes his current job. He referenced the blog at as it is a fairly accurate portrayal of how he is feeling about working in corporate America. Thankfully, Mr. PFL hasn’t needed to take medical leave, but he is just as dissatisfied and relates to that blogger’s story.
Mr. PFL went on to tell his old friends that we were making plans to basically retire and travel. It is a difficult concept to grasp, probably because it is so uncommon. I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. Mr. PFL’s friends brainstormed options for employment for him that is outside of corporate America; Mr. PFL had to confirm numerous times that he will not actually have to work anymore. There was still disbelief at the end of the night.
Now that we’ve shared our plan with actual human beings, I feel like I need to start taking concrete steps to reach our goal. I need a list. I need to figure out what questions to ask. I also need to keep working at my job that I don’t enjoy most days.
Only 17 1/3 months to go!