If you are serious about tracking your finances you almost certainly need to invest in a Personal Finance Management software (PFM). I started using PFM in the late 90’s however I lost a number of years due to some technical issues so my official records start in 2002. Originally, I used Microsoft Money and had a difficult time due to how it was setup and my ever growing set of accounts. I won’t bore you with the details but let’s just say I was not a big fan of how it works and had a lot of headaches with it. At the time though (late 90’s) it was either Microsoft Money or Quicken and they both had limitations. Nonetheless, I made it work and started tracking everything up until 2002 when my PC hard drive decided to die and as a result I lost the license key to my Microsoft Money software. Not the data mind you, I lost the stupid license key to “activate” the software when you purchase software from Microsoft. When I tried to reinstall the application I couldn’t “activate” the software because I lost the key. I had purchased the license several years before all of this and Microsoft stopped supporting Money right at this time…. so that meant I couldn’t purchase a new license anymore and I couldn’t figure out a way to get my existing version of Microsoft Money to activate. Thus, I became a free agent in search of a new PFM.
I did the usual searches that we all do and read all the reviews. In 2002 there were more options hitting the internet so the choice expanded beyond Quicken which I gave a long look. Ultimately, I decided to try my luck with MoneyDance and I couldn’t be happier. At the time I had a net worth of about $70k and 75% of that was my 401k. The rest was a personal brokerage account I had on eTrade with $2500 split across 4 stocks I purchased in March of 2002 and then ~$20k in cash. The $20k was used as my down payment on the Condo which I purchased at in March of 2002 for $239k. So it all came together in 2002 as I converted to MoneyDance and really started the journey to Paycheck-Free Living!!
Since that time I have tracked almost every transaction over the last 12 plus years. With the advent of debit cards being accepted EVERYWHERE, the level of tracking is ridiculous as well. I have it down to a science now and spend about 10 minutes every other week updating the data. MoneyDance let’s you customize just about everything and so I can see all my income and expenses, my assets and liabilities, my net worth, investment performance, reminders, budgets, and on and on. I have several customized reports covering just about anything you can think of from Net Worth to Investment Performance to Asset Allocations. It even works great for our side business (rentals) as it allows me to categorize all those transactions separately.
I could go on and on about the power of Personal Finance Management software… and I am sure I will in the future. I can’t say enough about how much it helps me make sound financial decisions. On top that it really provides proof to me that if you keep doing the right things, maxing out your 401k from day one, paying down debt, balancing your portfolio, and diversifying your assets, that it does work!! I see that when I run a net worth report or when I look at 2008 and how we managed to eke out ahead. It gives me motivation to keep at it because Paycheck-Free Living is on the horizon.