Now that I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and this winter is finally turning into spring, I’m having an easier time visualizing what next year will look like. I also just set up a family trip for President’s Day Weekend in February 2016. So, this is what I’m thinking:

1) Find another rental property that we would also like to live in. Buy it. Renovate it. Lease it to ourselves and move in. Stay permanent residents of Ohio. Sell our current house.

2) Buy land in Hawaii to start our coffee farm. Plan to go to Hawaii for the first time after our family trip next February. This would also be a great time for Mr. PFL to get done working after securing his yearly bonus. Go to Hawaii and get the farm started up.

3) Come back stateside, maybe, after a couple months. Travel/visit. Plan to be back in Hawaii around August for the coffee cherry harvest, which lasts through December, usually. Plan to travel/visit during the Spring and Summer. Repeat cycle indefinitely.

First, though, I’m going to get the taxes done today and hopefully get the final rental unit leased out.

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